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Talos darkbane • 1 year ago

I never read the manga but I like this twist because in reality if the author made Buddha a god the author screwed it up because Buddha was never a god and is not treated as a god by Buddhists either. Therefore Zeus should have never been asking him to represent the Gods in the first place . He was a MAN who back in the 5th century founded the belief and was considered an enlightened one never a god. Buddhist don't worship Buddha they meditate to reach a state of enlightenment like Buddha did . Yes Buddha is supposed to reincarnate but everyone also reincarnates so its nothing special. The statues are more a remembrance then a idol of a God to worship.

Silent_Soul_Ken • 1 year ago

Trust me it's not that simple with Buddha you'll see when they get to his backstory.

Suraj Vinod • 1 year ago

Buddha's real life backstory is pretty heartbreaking.

Bell Cranel • 1 year ago

Fr, all that puberty stuff really hits me weird but kinda relatable.

dargua3 • 1 year ago

bla bla bla , relaxxxx dude , its just an anime , if you dont like , just dont watch it ,its simple

Hahaha let's just watch this damn show simple don't make things complicated lol 😆

When it's come to relegion many people got triggered you know

Dokkæbi • 1 year ago

Stop whining. This is anime. This isn't real, just like your gods. It doesn't matter if the portrayals aren't accurate.

CursedTyrany • 1 year ago

hey hey hey heyyyyyyyyy your are now trying to go out of topic here

Mateusz Mierzejewski • 1 year ago

who cares, those aren't the gods from our religions , they are different interpretations of gods from that world.
spoiler but tameemon also wasn't a muscle monster, also Its not the real jack the reaper.

Talos darkbane • 1 year ago

Well for jack the ripper they did get him fairly accurate . The info that had been gathered through investigation showed he was most likely the child of a prostitute and had something to do with the medical field due to his use of a scalpel . I know this is an anime and deals with characters from a fictional world but my gripe is more about continuity and I do understand some do not care about storyline and continuity with anime and just want to see the fights. My gripe is the writer has followed God vs man quite accurately if not exactly based on the myths . They have never put an actual MAN in the god side or an actual god on the man side until Buddha.

Well i never saw jack the ripper,i heard it's famous murderer,but im impressed.

Δs†αrο†h • 1 year ago

he's famous because of his modus operandi. He went after prostitute and mutilate their reproduction organs and internals. so yeah

Slave of google assistant • 5 months ago

Thanks for the information,i didn't know,saw jack in many series but didn't know about him

Ever Kings • 1 year ago


As for Indian god the most backstory is wrong,,and also Shiva don't fight bare hand he have weapon called TRISHUL,but i think the author made them look like that because he want to avoid relegios problem,, people will never imagine budhha fighting in arena,,God wants to destroy mankind so they all gathered from all over the world and fighting some humans in arena,,,dude don't think soo hard just enjoy this damn show,,i bet many anime watchers want to see fight between god's, this show is perfect (if anyone have better recommendation even live action, reply)

Erikthonius • 1 year ago

I mean, none of the gods story are that accurate to begin with. There's no Adamas in greek myth, no zeus that punches 0.00000000000000000001 sec, Heracles wasn't a human that became a god after fighting ares.

And considering they actually made cold and ruthless god of war literally weakling and crybaby…..

UltronSound • 7 months ago

Ngl, I would cry to if I was in his shoes

Slave of google assistant • 5 months ago

I think they intentionally do that because it'll be more realistic that way and religious people can ban it on Netflix

UltronSound • 7 months ago

There was a myth character named Adamas, but he's basically irrelevant

madaraalucard • 1 year ago

And why does Vishnu look that hedious?

Well if you looked carefully you will see that the gods who are audience look wierd, only the charectors who fighting created carefully,,it will be lot of work if you design every charector based on original,,and only Indians recognise the Indian god's or Greek people recognise theirs,,so it's not a problem if most of the people don't know how this charectors originally looks like

Cross • 1 year ago

Yah you nailed it, i was looking for a series that is between a God & a human plus its a tournament based, and im a huge fan of both so having this series is 2 in 1, also that plottiwst in the end, im excited to see buddha fight the other Gods

Vidhya prakash Maurya • 8 months ago

How can they even soo our lord Indra smoking ha and also our lord shiva 🕉️ he is destroyer Zeus punch to our lord shiva ye it's hurt our religious I will bycott this anime series campaign every social media app fb, insta, tiwt, everywhere I disagree with this series 😡🤬🤬🤬🤬

Slave of google assistant • 5 months ago

Am not much offended,i enjoyed this show,the story itself a friction,god from all over the world fighting??i enjoyed this show

London Eye • 1 year ago

You have a point too and as many said too, these details doesn't necessarily has to be perfect to match with religions itself, just enjoy the show. However, one take away point from what you have said that: maybe the reason Buddha helped and decided to stand with mankind is because he was a man and understood mankind too.

Maybe the reason Hercules and Buddha fight for different sides despite their similar love for humans and both existences close to being gods but not gods themselves, is how they see their own values or core on different foundation (god- or human-like)? Or maybe due the difference in Hercules and Buddha personalities here, Buddha is more frank and nonchalant than Hercules, maybe Buddha dislikes the arrogance of the gods and wanted to stand against it.

CurlyWarriror • 1 year ago

Saying this as a devout buddhist:
Chill out dude

A) you havent seen everything yet, the manga does Buddha justice, so wait with the sermons. He is with gods cuz similiar to Heracles he ascended.

B) this isnt some kind of historically/mythology accurate docu-show, its a fukin anime about known names duking it out, as long as the representations are cool, which they always are, its fiiine

C) Its more like 5th-6th century B.C., not 5th A.D. At least get the info right if youre gonna be asinine, sheesh

Just have fun, RoR Buddha is an awesome character, youll see

Apurv Chokshi • 1 year ago

heyo guys what u guys are talking about. this show is so awesome. i suppose this is the perfect show. man i ssly want to duel a god so bad. xd.

Solers • 1 year ago

some people get mad when they think their religion is being ridiculed like in this case some Indians are whining about how Shiva should be way stronger than any human while knowing this is a fiction created by a person and not a Bible for every goddam religion

Apurv Chokshi • 1 year ago

absolutely right.

madaraalucard • 1 year ago

Bro is chronically online.

Nogalo Grancigul • 9 months ago

well said, just 1 correction, buddha does not reincrnate, that's the whole point, having reached nirvana he has risen above the circle of life and death and no longer needs to be reborn as the whole purpose of reincarnation is to give you another chance to attain nirvana

also also, i've been studying buddhism for years and have come to believe as many prominent buddhists and gurus also do, that reincarnation is not physical rather it's metaphysical, you mentally die and are reborn again and again in order to grow as a person, for example
narakas which are creatures with small mouths and big stomachs suffer from desires that they can't satisfy, this is you when you're binging tv/anime/manga, eating, fapping, gaming, the more you do it the less satisfying it is yet the more you want to do it and it's harder and harder to break that cycle,

or a deva, which are in the angelic realm and are too happy to attain nirvana, this is you when you're doing so well in life that you get too comfortable, and you can't grow as a person because there is nothing pushing you forward, imagine a spoiled rich kid who gets everything he could ever wish for without any effort, thus he can't grow as a person

ProjectPrototype • 11 months ago

im buddhist and he isnt a god, if im not wrong, Guan yin is the main god, being the goddess of mercy herself. However, spoiler alert: it was later shown that the writer didnt consider him a god, but rather as a sage, part of the 4 sages. though i dont understand why you'll get so worked up over it, considering that they have never poked fun at the gods/religion nor insulted them

^K • 1 year ago

Actually Buddha went trough apotheosis so he kinda became one. At least according to legend. Also Buddha has a fucking messy backstory imo, since he's not just one nation/culture but multiple. Also don't forget the very first episode in the first season when Lu Bu came out the trio over there are also ascended ones that were human originally. Don't overthink it and just enjoy the deicide.

CursedTyrany • 1 year ago

actually there were 2 buddhas one is gautam buddha and another is 9th avatar of lord vishnu , so yeah buddha is god depending on of which buddha we are talking here

Suraj Vinod • 1 year ago

I hoped Hercules would have switched sides like Buddha. And I think Jesus and Confusius too switched sides as they aren't really gods either.

Mycroft • 1 year ago

Reincarnation is suffering for Buddhists.

IStealHDMemeToStealYou. • 1 year ago

Already converted my religion to Buddhism...

vovan1 • 1 year ago

omg, i never knew i was a Buddhist, i'm eating snacks like this guy xD

SimpLee • 1 year ago


Wayne Chinkokway • 1 year ago


Solar • 1 year ago

I know, but these people decided to split the 2nd season to 2 parts. The second part Will have 5 episodes and sadly it won’t come until who knows how many months we gotta wait

Giorgi Murjikneli • 1 year ago

same feelings. now i cant wait for more episodes even more Y_Y

SimpLee • 1 year ago

this anime had some serious plot twists from jack using his own blood to buddha converting to man kind side lol. tho ngl i liked how well written jack the reaper fight was MY FAIR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :)

Cross • 1 year ago

well i was spoiled about buddha in the internet when im scrolling, fact internet but still thx to that short vid i watched i begun interested on this show that i had been skipping for years & here i am finally on last ep for now, cant wait for buddha fight also kudos to raiden giving that one of the best fight tho that final punch is ultra nerfed lmaoo, i knew for sure it have some impact even before touching shiva but it just suddenly been destroyed lmaoo

SimpLee • 1 year ago

raiden displayed a good performance but nothing beats jack the ripper, man is just too cool. now we wait for next part

bruh honestly so far this season was worth the wait from the fight between the gentleman killer vs hercules to shiva and his top tier dance moves and theme song vs raiden and now the CHAD among gods Buddha bruhhh i cant wait for ep 11-15 that comes out later this year

OtakuJin • 11 months ago

I was thinking as well. They had 3 fights but only 10 episodes? How?

Having read the manga that was on YouTube for Buddha's fight, I decided to pick up the anime and I am hoping it becomes a very very good one.

Would be perfect if it was one of the largest studios to animate it

TheSchmeister . • 1 year ago

Bruh, what if Kratos actually showed up at the end? 😂